Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Em on her childhood swing. At least I think it's her childhood swing. It was in her I just assumed...anyway, her mother likes this one. Or maybe it was the other swing pic...Hm. Clearly, I don't know what's going on.

Oh. LOVE those eyes. Killer stare. Absolutely killer.

These pics are long overdue on posting. I took these in May. Then got busy. Whew! This was the first shoot where I shot nearly all RAW files. And let me tell ya, RAW really is all it's cracked up to be. Much easier to work with and the pics look soooo much better as far as file quality, etc.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Plane Pics Round 2

A couple posts back, I'd posted a pic of an airplane wing. Looks like it might turn into a series. Airplane wings love me. I always get seated near them. But, then again, I always get window seats, too, so I guess that's pretty lucky. I took a few more while on a plane bound for Hawaii last week. Good times. Really good times. I didn't want to come back.
But here I am...
Pics of Kaua'i will be posted one of these days. I have a whole butt load of 'em.
Over (Oahu?)
More Oahu?