Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Espresso Machine (and more Melinda adventures)

I took this at Jon's aunt and uncle's home in Oakland/Berkeley (I believe the address is Oakland but they pay Berkeley utilities...or something like that). It was an amazing home. Anyway, I was absolutely excited and in awe of their fabulous home and all the fun things they had to shoot. Like the espresso machine above. To them, it was just their regular everyday countertop appliance, but to me it was a fun photo waiting to happen.

Fun and hazardous.

Okay. So I have no idea how to use an espresso machine.

And that black handle in the middle of the photo looked distracting...all protruding awkwardly outward and whatnot....

So I grabbed that black handle and twisted it to the right in order to gain a more "pleasing" angle. That big hunk of metal came completely off, FLEW out of my hand and rammed into one of the little brown cups before promptly stopping a short distance from the rest of its dismembered body.

My heart was beating. Oh my gosh. I broke something.

I froze, saucer-eyed, with my shoulders stiff and hunched. The sound of the little brown cup crashing against the green tile echoed in my ears. The noise had been so loud!!

Whew. I'll tell you what:

1) It's a good thing the owners weren't home.
2) That little brown ceramic cup must've been made of steel. Nothing broke.

Jon came in from the other room, "What'd you break?!!"

Silly me.

Note to self: those "handle-jiggy thingers" on espresso machines can come off.