The "Clinique Happy" perfume girl.
Well, I said I'd post some old drawings. I fished these out of the closet. Two of them are from high school, 10th grade (about 9 years ago...) and one is from an early drawing class in college. I can see a ton of problems with them. They look incomplete to me, or just plain messed up. As I said before, drawings always take me a long time and I never really finish any of them just b/c I get tired of drawing...terrible, isn't it?
Nevertheless, I said I'd post some drawings, so here they are. I decided against posting any drawings from a class in college known as "Figure Drawing" or what I call "Naked People Drawing Class." Figured that might not be viewer friendly...
It's beyond me why I didn't realize the right leg looked so dark and out of place compared to everything else when I drew this.
...and a page from the sketchbook. Sketchbooks are amazing things. An artist's sketchbook is such a time machine full of writings (ideas, random blurbs, poetry, journals) and sketches from all over. Some good and some really really bad.