Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dried Cranberries

So I went to Crate & Barrel for the first time in my life.
I know...what took me so long. Nevertheless, I have been exposed to the wonder that is Crate & Barrel...and I will never be the same. And though I wanted to, I didn't go into a buying frenzy. But I must say they have kitchen and tableware that I have not seen anywhere else. And then the furniture upstairs...Oh, if I had money to throw away I'd completely give myself over to the likes of Crate & Barrel magnificent.

But instead, I managed to walk away with none other than this little white bowl and spoon. Pretty generic and nothing that screams, "I'm fabulous and I look like I came from Crate & Barrel!!" but I really think it's going to be a useful prop. ...funny how I buy things not for social gatherings and meals, but only as quiet models.