Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Anybody need a toothbrush and some paste?

My father.

He never ceases to crack me up with his antics. I was home this past week when he excitedly busted out a hard black suitcase full of dental fun and threw it on the bed. I repeat...a suitcase full. Too funny.

"Where'd you get all this?!!" I exclaimed.

"Albertsons! The store was closing. They were having a clearance!" He was so excited.

There are conflicting reports as to the exact amount he spent on all the toothbrushes and paste. He says he spent $75 while mom says the number changes each time he shares his treasure trove of dental supplies. Sometimes it's $100 sometimes less.

They were nice toothbrushes though. Not just a stick with bristles. They were actually the "fancy" technologically advanced ones with the rubber cups and rubber wavy lines going through the bristles and whatnot. They're the toothbrushes that I look at when I'm in the toothbrush aisle contemplating how well they brush and admiring them while also knowing that I'd never spend the extra money on a "fancy" stick toothbrush. Now the Sonicare ones...that's a different story.

All I know is, Dad is so silly when it comes to sales. There's, like, eight DVD players at the house because they were all on sale. So silly. Dad cracks me up.

I just shake my head and get a good laugh.

P.S. Love that funky flowery bedspread next to the crazy suitcase full of brushes and paste.