Monday, November 03, 2008


I don't know about you, but I looove the Christmas season. It's not about gifts for me, that's for sure. I just love the colors, smells, lights, sparkles... all the desserts, all the ribbons! Oo la la! I freakin' LOVE ribbons. I'm a ribbon fanatic. Well, okay, maybe not a fanatic, but I can definitely spend at least an hour in the ribbon aisle. If you gave me an empty box wrapped with tons of fancy ribbon for Christmas, I'd be really stoked and excited. Ribbons are just so pretty. I recognize that they're totally unnecessary and entirely lavish...but if I could justify it, I'd have an entire closet full of ribbon.

Above: My friend Rachelle sent me these chewy and moist gingerbread cookies and I must say they are wickedly good!

Update: Apparently, these are "molasses sugar cookies" and not gingerbread cookies as I previously thought. That makes sense, actually, because they do have a different consistency than gingerbread cookies. ;)