Friday, November 07, 2008

Judy's Place

I do believe I've found myself a new prop stylist: Judy Thompson. She has such a great sense of color and balance. Her home is deliciously Crate & Barrel-esque complete with closets full of linens, a fully stocked kitchen, a garden...and on and on and on. I was giddy with all her "props". They were so fun and scrumptious in detail, variety, texture...Oh! I loved it! Can't wait to work with her again. Thanks Judy!

Above: The cookies are from a new recipe I've been trying. Rosemary Shortbread Cookies. Sounds kinda weird but they're completely great. They taste best before they start to brown--but...pale cookies aren't always so good for photos. 'Course, I shouldn't have put them on a white plate... Ah well. Live and learn.